Saturday, October 17, 2009

More sneaks for Monday.


  1. V's mom, uh who cares. Yay B and her new followers!!! That one on the right has the same dress as B in the first episode. So cute

  2. I'm actually kind of disappointed with Blair's new posse. I thought that they would use her not fitting in at NYU to develop her character and have her realize that she doesn't need to be Queen B to be special. Instead they just gave her new NYU minions.

  3. Ew, it looks like this episode is going to have waaaay too much Vanessa in it. Why do we keep seeing more and more of her? Less Vanessa!

  4. God, Vanessa sucks.

  5. Ladies!!!! Please post on your thoughts from last night. Seriously, you guys need to do re caps and discussions! Can we please discuss the epicness that was last night, sans all the V loving
